Tuesday, July 11, 2023

MOVIE REVIEW: Star Trek: Into Darkness


A 2013 production, this is the second in the reboot series of Star Trek films. Beginning a couple of years after the first, the Enterprise crew has been together for a little while, but not long enough to truly meld into a team. The relationship between Kirk and Spock is still rocky, and is strained further by a misunderstanding between the two, which also unsettles the romance between Spock and Uhura. Add to this the unexplained attack by what appears to be a rogue Federation agent on Starfleet headquarters, which leads Kirk to the discovery that not even the higher echelons of Starfleet are immune from conspiracy. Only with his now estranged friends at his side can Kirk find a way to stop an intergalactic war before it starts.

All of the original actors reprise their roles in this, with a wonderfully engaging addition of Benedict Cumberbatch as the mysterious cause of Kirk's dilemma. There is also a guest appearance by Leonard Nimoy, which would be his final appearance on screen before his death. This movie is exciting, taking many twists and turns, and aludes back to the original series in great ways. A must see for any Star Trek fan.

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