Wednesday, July 19, 2023

BOOK REVIEW: Since the Sirens by E.E. Isherwood


I normally don't go in for zombie stories, but this one is actually really good. It follows a 15-year-old boy named Liam as he tries to save his 104-year-old great-grandmother, who he has been spending the summer with, from a looming disaster of undead attackers, made that way by an Ebola-like virus. As the unlikely pair attempt to flee from the murderous hordes, they meet many different kinds of people. Some become friends, some allies, and others enemies, but none of that changes Liam's determination to get his elderly charge to some kind of safety.

This not only has the horror of zombies, it also delves a little into faith and mysticism, as the old woman starts having visions of what is apparently a guardian angel, and many of their new acquaintances begin to invite the young hero to find his way of belief as well. The spirit of the older woman that has not been depleted by her age or circumstances, the devotion of her young protector, and the interplay between the two is enough to keep the reader enthralled up to the end. Something of a warning: This is quite a large series of books, and the end of this one comes in what seems like the middle of the action, so be prepared to left hanging. But, if all the installments are as good as this one, it's well worth the time.

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