Tuesday, April 11, 2023

MOVIE REVIEW: The Lazarus Effect


A 2015 film with a cast including Evan Peters (American Horror Story) and Olivia Wilde (House), this concerns a group of scientists that find a chemical that reanimates the dead. During a late-night visit to their lab after they find out a pharmaceutical company is trying to steal their discovery, one of their number is killed in an accident, and the head of the group decides to try to bring her back to life. The result is an incarnation of evil as the body and mind of a person who has died is slowly taken over by an insane creature bent on destruction, and is able to manipulate and control the minds of those around her. While the cast is good, this a typical man-into-monster horror flick that has very little originality to it. There is plenty of violence and some strong language, but there is little or no erotica. Though this does make it palatable for older kids, the scenes of Hell and torment (which include people burning to death in a fire) that are unleashed in the visions that are planted into the brains of the victims may be triggering for younger children or emotionally traumatized individuals. Caution should be advised.

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