Tuesday, April 4, 2023

BOOK REVIEW: The Blackstone Chronicles by John Saul


This is a serialized book that takes place in a small New England town that is overshadowed by an abandoned hospital called the Asylum that once treated the mentally disturbed. The stories follow the distribution of artifacts from a hidden room in the old hospital to various citizens of the town by a shadowy figure, somehow bringing with them the mental miasmas of their original owners. The result is murder, suicide, and insanity.

John Saul has been a favorite author of mine for some time, mainly for his ability to write stories around old legends. This is no exception. The Asylum is a conglomerate of abandoned hospitals around the country. Its history is a composite of old mental institutions around the world, including the often torturous treatments that were used in the early 20th century to try to help the mentally afflicted. Saul takes this setting, adds a doctor who has sadistic tendencies, and injects a mystery surrounding the death of a young girl. All of this combines under the author’s capable hand to make each and every installment of the chronicles of this cursed town into a separate shocking story of people fallen victim to an evil looking for vengeance. A great one for all Saul fans.

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