Tuesday, September 20, 2022

BOOK REVIEW: Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon


This is a story of the immigrant west, when the wagon trains were bringing white settlers by the thousands to join the gold miners in California and what would become the adjacent western states. One family of immigrants is the May family, which includes Naomi, their only and recently widowed daughter. One of the travelers in the same wagon train they have joined is John Lowry, a half-breed Pawnee driving a pack of mules to be sold to one of the forts along the way. Coming from very different backgrounds, these two find love in each other, only to have that love tested in unimaginable ways by the rigors and dangers of the journey they are on.

A product of love and research by its author, this book tells in real detail how hard life really was on the romanticized trek west for the people looking for a new life in the unconquered lands there. It also tells a little about the Native Americans that originally held the land, and their various responses to the influx of unwelcome strangers into their home. Told from the points of view of both Naomi and John, it is a tale of strength in the face of grief, resilience in adversity, and how love can provide both. Exceptional read.

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