Tuesday, September 6, 2022

BOOK REVIEW: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt


On a hot week in August, young Winnie Foster decides to run away from her rigid, sheltered life in the small town of Treegap. On the same day, a woman named Mae Tuck sets out to meet her sons, and a stranger comes to town. All seem very innocuous, but they are all intrinsically linked by a wood next to the Foster home, and the mysterious spring in the center of it. The meeting of these people will have effects that will reverberate through time, and maybe even decide the destiny of everyone on Earth.

This is a book for young adults that takes place in the 19th century. The Tucks are one of the most unique families ever to grace the pages of literature. They and their experiences will be remembered as long as books exist, and perhaps even longer. For they are the first ones that truly asked, What would it be like to live forever? And they are perhaps the first ones that truly come up with an answer.

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