Thursday, October 19, 2023

MOVIE REVIEW: Interstellar


This film begins on a future Earth where natural disasters and the resulting famines have left mankind completely without faith in itself, to the point where the government has begun to erase the accomplishments of science in order to keep the surviving people concentrating on things like food production. In the middle of all this, an ex-NASA pilot named Cooper is called upon by what is left of that agency to fly a spaceship through a black hole that has been discovered floating near Saturn in an attempt to find mankind a new place to live. Leaving his family on a slowly dying Earth, he makes the voyage, only to find that the miasma of deception has spread to the scientists involved in the mission as well. So, left on their own and not knowing who they can trust, it is up to Cooper and his team to do the seeming impossible. Find a new way for humanity to survive.

Starring Matthew McConaughey as Cooper, the rest of the incredible cast includes Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, and John Lithgow. There is a lot of scientific jargon in this to do with time/space relativity, gravity, and singularities, so it may a little difficult for the average layman to understand. However, if you are willing to ignore the intellectual hyperbole and just enjoy the ride, it is an adventure with a lot of sentimentality and a really unique robot. More than anything else, this is a story about the bond between a parent and their child, and the lengths that both will go to for the sake of the other. This is a long movie (almost three hours), but the time goes fast as it is so interesting and enthralling. There is a lot of action, but no erotica and very little strong language. Good for a family night, though it may have to be split into two parts for younger children.

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