Tuesday, June 20, 2023

BOOK REVIEW: Travel by Bullet by John Scalzi


This finds our hero, Tony Valdez, working at a hospital performing the service that he was trained for: killing people. In this world of the future, people who are murdered come back, and to take advantage of this incredible occurrence, individuals like Tony have been trained to dispatch those that are near to death through accident or disease. During his time there, he is called to attend one of his own, a dispatcher named Mason, who, before being killed, gives Tony something that makes him instantly a target for some very dangerous and powerful players. The question now becomes, can Tony figure out what is going on, help his friend, and stay alive at the same time?

The third in the Dispatcher series, this is probably the best of the lot. Performed incredibly well by Zachary Quinto, it keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering just what in the world is going to happen next. With many twists, turns, and constant surprises, this requires the listener's complete and constant attention. A definite audiobook experience well worth having.

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