Tuesday, January 3, 2023

MOVIE REVIEW: The Dustwalker


This is an Australian film that was released in 2019 for television consumption in that country. It concerns a small town in the outback of Australia that is basically isolated from contact with the outside world. When a strange object from space lands in the desert near it, several people in the town start turning into mindless killing machines. It is up to the female sheriff, a schoolteacher, a doctor, and four young people just out of their teens to try to make sure someone stays alive to fight the alien presence that has appeared.

The only actor in this that might be recognizable to US audiences is Jolene Anderson, who plays the sheriff, and who was also in the 2019 film Prey. The rest of the cast is made up of Australian performers that have spent their careers almost exclusively in the studios down under. This does not mean that they are anything but fantastic, however. The screenplay of this one is a little understated due to the fact that, though Aussie television standards are somewhat more liberal than in the US, certain aspects still have to be pared down to some extent. For this reason, there is no gore, no erotica, and very little strong language. There is, however, plenty of suspense and terror, which makes for a very watchable and entertaining horror movie.

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