Wednesday, October 19, 2022

BOOK REVIEW: The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis


This follows the adventures of a boy named Digory and his friend Polly as they become the victims of the experiments of Digory's unscrupulous uncle with some magic rings. They find themselves in a world brought to the brink of death by a beautiful but evil woman, and a series of events results in their unwittingly bringing this horrible being to the newly created world of Narnia. It is then their responsibility to right the wrong they have done by finding a way to save Narnia from the darkness that has entered it.

The sixth book of the Narnia to have been published, this is actually the first in the chronological history of the Land of Narnia. Written by a man considering by many to be one of the greatest Christian authors in history, this has many connotations and allusions to Christian theology. However, even if the reader has no knowledge of Christian belief, this is a great novel for young people, with main characters that the young can relate to. A fun read.

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