Friday, July 29, 2022


Anton Yelchin plays a young man named Odd Thomas, who can see dead people. He can also see things he calls bodachs, evil beings that feed off death and despair. When he sees dozens of bodachs gathered around a man in the diner where he works, he comes to believe that something extraordinarily bad is going to happen to the town he lives in. With the help of the chief of police and the girl he loves, who both know about his abilities, he sets out to fend off the disaster.

This is a film based on a novel by the author Dean Koontz. It also features the talent of a young actor whose life was tragically cut short at the age of 27 in a freak accident. It is full of mystery, surprises, and supernatural happenings from the first minute right up until the last. Not recommended for very young children due to the violence, scary scenes, and some strong language, but definitely worth the time.


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