Wednesday, June 15, 2022

BOOK REVIEW: A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving


Owen Meany, son of the owner of a granite quarry, is a small, underdeveloped boy whose voice has never changed, but who ends up having a profound effect on, not only his best friend, who is the narrator of this tale, but on the entire town he grows up in. A child with an adult's understanding and perhaps the ability to see his own future, Owen's story is told with tender, and sometimes brash, honesty that is wonderful to behold. Intermixed with this is the soul of a town, a small, interwoven community that is largely gone in our day and age.

This is the story of a man's memories of his boyhood friend. Hilarious at times, tragic at others, it will draw you in and make you a part of the events in a way that other books fail to. A beautiful and poetic novel that will live on for years to come.

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