Monday, April 11, 2022

BOOK REVIEW: Dolphin Island by Arthur C. Clarke

Sixteen-year-old Johnny has always felt like a stranger in his aunt’s house, where he has lived since the untimely deaths of his parents. So, when a large freighter makes an unscheduled stop near his home, he seizes his chance and stows away on it, only to find himself caught in a series of events that brings him to a small piece of land off the Australian coast called Dolphin Island. It is here, while working with the researchers stationed there, that Johnny finds his future.

This is a story written primarily for young adults that takes place sometime in the future. It bases its premise not only on a young man finding his way, but also on the research into interspecies communication, mainly between man and dolphins. First published in 1963, this is still an excellent book for young readers who love the sea and the creatures in it.

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