Thursday, September 3, 2015

OUR STANCE ON TODAY'S ISSUES - Gay Marriage and Homosexuality

While we believe that all worship paths, as long as they do not preach or teach hostility or hatred of our fellow Children, are valid, there is a need to state our stance on issues that are currently causing debate in our culture. We do not expect all people to agree with these views, but we do exercise our right to speak and be heard. All our views are taken from a logical and scientific point of view, as well as that of a religious one. We try to be objective in our views, however there are some things, like the slaughter of innocents, that no human being can be truly objective about, and we freely admit to being human. So, here are our views on the current issues in today’s headlines. We hope that you will read these views with an open mind and understanding heart.

Gay Marriage and Homosexuality
            Gay marriage can be a very volatile subject, mainly because there are many people out there wanting to make it a religious issue. If, however, you try to fight it as a religious issue, it becomes a losing battle, mainly because we are talking about a segment of our society, at least 50% of which do not even believe in God. If they do not believe in God, there is no way that the question of their lifestyle can be a religious issue. If, on the other hand, you look at it as they do, as an issue of equality, then they are absolutely in the right. If we are to stand up for the ideals that America was founded on, that every person is created equal and, therefore, entitled to the same rights as everyone else, then everyone should be permitted the right to marry whomever they please, whether that person is of the same gender or not. This is the position that we, Children of Father God and Mother Earth, take. Anyone, by equal rights, should be allowed to marry anyone else, no matter the gender.
            That being said, this does not mean that we believe in homosexuality. We do not thump our Bibles and scream that we do not believe in it because God says it is wrong. Our reasoning is taken from our belief in the natural way of the world that Father God created. No matter what mysticism, what taboos, or what toys you may add, the one and only reason for the act of sexual intercourse is procreation. To procreate, or to make a baby, there must be a male and a female. It is simply not possible for natural procreation to take place with two members of the same gender. Therefore, homosexuality, a sexual act between two members of the same gender, is biologically unnatural.
            This does not mean that we believe that homosexual people are bad, unnatural, or sick. We recognize that, within our society today, there are many, many people out there who, usually because of circumstances that they cannot control, have not been able to find love and acceptance from members of the opposite gender, and so have turned to members of their own gender to find that companionship. The human condition is such that sexual acts are a natural part of this. We, as fellow Children, know that, whatever lifestyle they may have chosen, it is not our place to judge, and, therefore, we accept them unconditionally, just as they are.

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