Thursday, December 3, 2015


In the Bible, it tells how Father God gave the world He created to man to rule over and care for. Man has taken the first part of that commandment very seriously, for he has attempted to rule over and use every part of this planet. However, with that commandment of rule, there was also another part. That of caring for the place that is ruled over. This is something that man has done a very poor job of. In attempting to force his will on the planet, man has literally destroyed many parts of this beautiful, perfect gift that Father God gave him, and, in doing so, he has managed to destroy that part of the Divine Being that his own physical body derives from.

            Since we, as Children of Father God and Mother Earth, believe that the Earth is a part of the Divine Being that created us and all the universe, we believe in and support the preservation of all life on our planet. We, therefore, support the environmental movements that have become so prevalent in our society in recent years. If we are to honor the Creator correctly, then we must learn to protect and care for, as well as rule over, the place we live.

Friday, October 2, 2015

OUR STANCE ON TODAY'S ISSUES - Support for Israel and the Situation in the Middle East

The evolutionary history of Earth shows that every species has its members that use violence to defend their young, their territory, or a herd of prospective mates. Unfortunately, mankind has taken this inherent violence to stunning and shocking extremes. Stemming from a need to protect their home territories, politicians have taken this psychological nature and turned it into a need to expand those territories. Every war that has ever been over the eons of mankind’s history has started as a need to expand someone’s home territory, which inevitably ends up intruding into someone else’s territory, and, thus, starting the violence that is so typical of man’s nature. With the inherited biological need that not only we, but every species on Earth, shares, it would be virtually impossible to totally erase violence and war on Earth. As much as we may try, there will always be those times when, whether for defense or retribution for lives taken senselessly and thoughtlessly, violence is the only way to make a difference that matters. However, one can try to make that difference before it becomes necessary to resort to the violence that we all abhor. Unfortunately, there are situations and places where every attempt to avoid violence has been met with, not only defiance, but outright rage.

            The situation in the Middle East is a perfect example. The ongoing warring between Israel and its neighbors is a fight that has been raging for generations. Looking at the history of the place, it becomes clear why. Both the Christian and Muslim traditions tell the story of Abraham and his two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was the firstborn, and would have been his father’s heir, if it had not been for the fact that Isaac was the favored one of God. Because of this, Abraham abandoned Ishmael and his mother to die in the desert, and Isaac became Abraham’s heir. Defying the odds, Ishmael survived to become the ancestor of the peoples who, in the 1st century after Christ was born, were converted to the Muslim faith. The descendants of Isaac, on the other hand, after many trials, founded the land of Israel and continued to worship in the way of Abraham, what we now call the Jewish faith. So, in reality, the war in the Middle East is simply a family feud, which, in today’s world, now involves, not only the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael, but also all their friends and business partners. Or, in other words, the entire world. Every attempt at peace has ended with a poorly attempted, and soon broken, cease fire agreement. And, over the centuries, the hatred has grown to where, today, it is not only a war for territory, but actually a way of life.

            We do not believe in war, especially when it is egged on by the promptings of so-called religious leaders, who are obviously more interested in their own power base than the lives of their followers. While we respect Israel as the place where Jesus, who we believe to be the Son of God, lived and taught, we also know that the support that the government of our country has shown Israel in the past is part of the reason why we are now known as the most hated country in the world. The Jewish people claim they are only attempting to regain their homeland, the borders of which are set forth in the Old Testament. Their neighbors claim they are interlopers in a land that they lost centuries ago, and that they need to accept this. Whichever side you choose to believe, the fact is that the Jewish people were forced out of this land in the 7th century, over 2,000 years ago. Was it fair? No. Did they deserve what they got? Probably not. But, they did lose it, and they would not be the first people in the world to have to live with that. Launching rockets at the people living in that land now is not going to change history, nor is it going to win them any friends on the international scene. Israel needs to learn to live in the present, not try to regain the past. And their neighbors need to learn to accept that, while they may have a different belief system, they are Father God’s Children too, and deserve to live just as much as anyone else. So, we, as fellow Children, must take the stand that we do not believe that our government must support Israel, or any other country in that part of the world, at least until they have shown that they can make, and stick with, a peace agreement.

Thursday, September 17, 2015



            While immigration may seem to be an unusual thing for a religious group to take a stance on, the truth is that immigration affects religious groups just as much as it does education, health care, and employers. For instance, not so long ago in New York City, a 39-year-old woman was given probation for illegally importing monkey meat. Claiming that the meat was being used for religious rituals, she tried to get the charges against her dropped under the freedom of religion clause in the US constitution. The fact is, many indigenous religions in places like Africa still incorporate special foods, such as monkey meat, into their rituals and rites, in spite of the fact that it is known to carry diseases such as Ebola and tuberculosis. And, when these people move to the US to live, they bring their religious inclinations with them. So, if we want to be open to accepting their beliefs, we have to be at least sensitive to the fact that they may practice some things that we may find unpalatable.

            Today, the process for becoming a US citizen may be a long and arduous procedure. It requires at least five years of continual presence in the country (three if already married to a US citizen), a background check, and passing tests that show a working knowledge of the English language, knowledge of how the government works (presumably in preparation for voting), and a knowledge of US history. All of this incorporates not only time, but also expense when it comes to taking classes that are aimed at, not only teaching the language, but also the government workings and history requirements. The present presidential administration has tried to pass laws making this process a little less strenuous, but has met with resistance from those who believe that these things are necessary to make “good citizens.” The result has been a complete lack of cohesive regulations in place across the country governing handling of illegal aliens who might be arrested for breaking the law. On the one hand, if the illegal has the bad luck to be someplace like Arizona, they may be detained simply for the color of their skin, while, on the other hand, a few hundred miles west in California, there are entire cities designated as “safe zones,” where illegals will find law enforcement agencies who are reluctant to cooperate wholly with federal immigration officials, if at all.

            We would like to make a few recommendations here. We realize that this is only our opinion, and that it is unlikely that anyone will actually listen, but someone has to start somewhere, so we will exercise our right to have our say.

1.      Continual presence in the country is a good idea, as it shows a willingness to stay put and be a part of the community. How long this continued presence should be would be decided by the government.

2.      Background checks are a must, not only in this country but in their native ones as well. We cannot have criminals coming into our country at will.

3.      A working knowledge of English is a good thing, especially since it actually entails safety. Street and traffic signs are not posted in any other language than English throughout the majority of the country. However, the other requirements for knowledge of how the government works and US history seems a little over the top. There are children graduating high school in this country that do not know who the first president was or when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Can we really expect naturalized citizens to learn things we are no longer teaching even to our own kids? As far as how the government works, an overview of that would be sufficient, and could be added into English classes that prepare for the test.

4.      There must be regulations put into place on the federal level, regulations that every police agency in the country would have to follow, in the handling of illegals that are arrested. The lack of regulations of this kind is what allowed a known illegal criminal to recently be let go, only to end up gunning down an innocent young woman as she was walking with her family on a pier in San Francisco.

5.      The classes that are required for passing the tests involved in citizenship must be made available to all who wish them, free of charge. These are people, illegal or not, who have come to this country looking for a better life, usually with nothing to their name but the clothes on their backs. They end up working minimum wage jobs, usually holding down more than one, and are still barely able to keep food in their families’ mouths. It is unreasonable to expect them to have to pay the cost of taking English as a Second Language classes at their local community colleges, which range in the neighborhood of $120 and up per class, and usually require more than one class to prepare for the citizenship tests. Also, we should provide a provisional green card for any aliens who are taking these classes, getting passing grades, and pass a background check. We should not be deporting honest people who really show an interest in becoming citizens.

6.      The most important thing is that each of these cases should be handled on an individual basis. There are illegals in this country right now who have been here for over a decade, have held down jobs for years, and have raised their families in a decent way, but always with the fear hanging over their heads of something happening that they will be discovered and deported, separating them from the ones they love. We should not be victimizing these good people because of a few bad apples in the barrel. Deport the criminals, certainly. But, leave the decent, honest, hard-working people and allow them to become citizens in a way that is easy and free. If anything, we should want more of them.



Gun Control

            “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

                                                                                    2nd amendment to the Constitution of the

                                                                                    United States


            The above is the actual amendment to the United States Constitution that was ratified by Congress in 1791. This is the amendment that gun enthusiasts use to legally defend their right to buy and keep weapons. However, let us take an objective look at this legislation and the reasoning behind its creation.

            First of all, this amendment was written less than 20 years after the Revolutionary War had been won. At that time, the various states all kept their own private militia, or military force, to ensure the protection of their citizens. Since that time, all private military forces have been legally committed to the jurisdiction of the federal government. Therefore, the weapons that they used were, and are, under federal control as well.

            Second, the time in which this amendment was written was when the weapons being used consisted of cannons, muskets, and flintlock rifles. These weapons discharged one shot at a time, a small lead ball that, though they could cause major damage to the human body at 80 yards, were literally useless at any distances over that. The authors of this amendment did not, in any way, imagine that they were talking about weapons that could discharge 100 rounds or more per minute, and kill up to 10 men at a range of up to 4,500 feet with a single pull of the trigger.

            What we have to consider when looking at the problem of gun control is the actual intent of the amendment that protects a citizen’s right to own and keep weapons. At the time of the authorship of the amendment, the average citizen required a rifle to protect their home, family, and livestock from wild animals, Indians, and the occasional cattle rustler or horse thief. They also used their weapons to provide for their families, as hunting wild animals was one of the primary ways that many people put meat on their dinner tables. The right to bear arms was guaranteed at a time when rifles were an essential part of life for almost every member of a new nation. But, times have changed.

            The opposition to gun control says that they should be able to get weapons as a way to protect their homes. But, in reality, can anyone really say that that the average man on the street needs an assault rifle just to protect his three-bedroom house? Or, can any gun store in your local mall actually call selling armor piercing rounds a business necessity? It is time to take an objective and logical look at the reality of the sale of these kinds of weapons to the public.

            We have a few suggestions that we believe are a way to combat the rise that has been seen in gun deaths among our populace. First, any weapons that are considered military issue (i.e., any weapon that is used in modern military combat) should not be available for sale to the public. They should be limited to use only by members the military and law enforcement agencies, who have the training to use them correctly. The only weapons that should be available for public consumption should be revolvers (for self-defense) and rifles or shotguns (for hunting).

            Second, when a person goes to buy a weapon, they should be subject to a background check that includes both criminal activities and mental instabilities. They should also be required to acquire a license to own a weapon, the acquisition of which includes a requirement of attending a gun safety course, where they will be taught the correct way to safely handle a weapon. In addition, if this is their first weapon, they should also be required to buy a gun safe, where the weapon can be safely locked away from children or thieves.

            We realize that there will be many people who do not agree with our position on this, however, if we are to be rational and adapt to the times we live in, we can no longer rely on laws written over 200 years ago to guide us. We can stay loyal to the vision that gave birth to this country, and still be able to regulate ourselves so that everyone, particularly our children, can count on a safe and secure place to live, learn, and work.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

OUR STANCE ON TODAY'S ISSUES - Gay Marriage and Homosexuality

While we believe that all worship paths, as long as they do not preach or teach hostility or hatred of our fellow Children, are valid, there is a need to state our stance on issues that are currently causing debate in our culture. We do not expect all people to agree with these views, but we do exercise our right to speak and be heard. All our views are taken from a logical and scientific point of view, as well as that of a religious one. We try to be objective in our views, however there are some things, like the slaughter of innocents, that no human being can be truly objective about, and we freely admit to being human. So, here are our views on the current issues in today’s headlines. We hope that you will read these views with an open mind and understanding heart.

Gay Marriage and Homosexuality
            Gay marriage can be a very volatile subject, mainly because there are many people out there wanting to make it a religious issue. If, however, you try to fight it as a religious issue, it becomes a losing battle, mainly because we are talking about a segment of our society, at least 50% of which do not even believe in God. If they do not believe in God, there is no way that the question of their lifestyle can be a religious issue. If, on the other hand, you look at it as they do, as an issue of equality, then they are absolutely in the right. If we are to stand up for the ideals that America was founded on, that every person is created equal and, therefore, entitled to the same rights as everyone else, then everyone should be permitted the right to marry whomever they please, whether that person is of the same gender or not. This is the position that we, Children of Father God and Mother Earth, take. Anyone, by equal rights, should be allowed to marry anyone else, no matter the gender.
            That being said, this does not mean that we believe in homosexuality. We do not thump our Bibles and scream that we do not believe in it because God says it is wrong. Our reasoning is taken from our belief in the natural way of the world that Father God created. No matter what mysticism, what taboos, or what toys you may add, the one and only reason for the act of sexual intercourse is procreation. To procreate, or to make a baby, there must be a male and a female. It is simply not possible for natural procreation to take place with two members of the same gender. Therefore, homosexuality, a sexual act between two members of the same gender, is biologically unnatural.
            This does not mean that we believe that homosexual people are bad, unnatural, or sick. We recognize that, within our society today, there are many, many people out there who, usually because of circumstances that they cannot control, have not been able to find love and acceptance from members of the opposite gender, and so have turned to members of their own gender to find that companionship. The human condition is such that sexual acts are a natural part of this. We, as fellow Children, know that, whatever lifestyle they may have chosen, it is not our place to judge, and, therefore, we accept them unconditionally, just as they are.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Have you ever been driving on a road during a storm and felt your tire leave the pavement, only to have the car suddenly move back onto the road without you moving the steering wheel at all, as if something or someone had nudged the vehicle back into the appropriate path? Or, have you been walking into a room, only to find that you suddenly cannot move because it feels as if something or someone is holding you motionless, and then have something fall right where you would have been if you had kept walking, and that surely would have hit you if you had taken even one more step? Well, congratulations, you have just felt the influence of your Guardian Angel.
            We of Children of Father God and Mother Earth believe adamantly in these spirits that influence our lives and protect us from harm. We believe that there are different kinds of these spirits, which have been given different names in many cultures over the centuries. The first kind, and probably the most numerous, is what are thought of by many as the Nature Spirits. These have been called Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Dwarves, Sprites, and many other names, but they are basically spirits that care for the natural world. In these times, these spirits are usually relegated to parks and places where the trees and animals that they love are inclined to be. They love running water, music, and bright colors, and it is possible to lure them into visiting a yard if these things are put out for them. They are a mysterious race, and will probably never be fully understood by humans.
            However, the spirits that we are in communication with throughout our lives are those that have, for whatever reason, been put in charge of us humans and our well-being. Every human on Earth has at least one of these spirits attached to them at birth, but, on any given occasion, may have many others following them around as well, depending on the circumstances and situations in their lives. Being spirits, without any physical substance, these beings can be large or small, but they have immense power. This power becomes obvious particularly at times when the individual they care for is in danger. We have all heard the stories of the person who walked away from a car that rolled down a mountainside, or the family that survived the tornado unscathed while sheltering in only a bathtub. People talk of the Angels protecting them, and they are correct. When a person is in danger, and their Angel knows this, they are able to instantaneously enlist help from other spirits to protect their charge. Of course, even though they are powerful, guardians are not omnipotent, and there will be times when no amount of protection will be adequate to save a human from danger. This is something that we must accept.
            Guardians have been called Spirit Guides by many American Indian cultures, due to the fact that, through meditation and practice, the shamans of those cultures have learned to talk to their guardians and enlisted their aid in exploration of the spiritual realms. However, guardians mostly are just content to guide us, protecting and comforting us as needed. Unfortunately, some of them have become depressed and despondent because of the horrible things that some of us humans do, but the majority still try to reach and aid their charges. Given enough time and patience, all of us can learn to hear our Angels speak to us. That is what is meant by the Inner Voice that you hear religions speak of so much. The Still, Small Voice that guides you to do the right thing, to steer away from danger, and to go where you need to be, is none other than your Guardian Angel. And, the more you listen, the better you will hear the promptings.

            We believe that these spirits deserve our gratitude and respect. We honor them as we honor the Earth and its diversity, with full reverence and sincere devotion. So we say, “We believe God sends Angels to Earth to guide and protect His children.”


While there are many books in existence that are claimed to be the inspired word of God, we believe that only the Bible and the Book of Mormon can stand up to the test of this claim. We believe this due to the fact that, unlike others, these documents are supported by additional documentation in history.
            The Old Testament of the Bible is, of course, the original Jewish documents handed down by the people who inhabit Israel. The Jewish people have written many commentaries on the books of the Old Testament, and these commentaries themselves are the documentation needed to prove that the books of the Old Testament have been around since the beginning of the Jewish race. The New Testament is the books and letters written by the people who were the eyewitnesses and followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ actual existence is documented by Roman records, as well as archeological evidence discovered in recent years.
            The Book of Mormon is a text that was discovered and translated by a gentleman named Joseph Smith in 19th century America. His account of how this came to pass may have faced criticism in past years, however the result of his efforts speaks for itself. The Book of Mormon tells the story of how, after the sack of Jerusalem by the Babylonian hoards, a band of Jewish refugees took to the sea and ended up on another continent. Whether this was the continent of South America or Africa is currently under debate, but they found a glorious, fertile land, where they commenced to build a civilization. After His crucifixion, Jesus visited this land, where He spoke with and taught the people there. Before He left them, Jesus promised that He would return sometime in the future. The Book of Mormon is supported by history and American Indian legend, both of which confirm the promise of a Great White Teacher that will return to the people.

            While there are portions of the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament, that was written for the people of its time, and therefore should be interpreted only metaphorically, this does not mean that the text itself was not inspired by the spirit of the Creator. And we believe that this is indeed the case. Therefore we say, “We believe the Bible and the Book of Mormon to be the inspired Word of God.”

Monday, February 2, 2015


With our history of spiritual belief being Christian, it is perhaps not surprising that we say that we believe the man Jesus Christ was the true Son of God. We believe this for many reasons, but, perhaps, the greatest one is that, in our studies, we have found that, unlike the myriad other “messiahs” that have come and gone, Jesus is the only one that has been fully documented, in the Bible and elsewhere. Of any other “saviors” that could be mentioned, Jesus is the only one that can be pointed to as having influenced so many to change their beliefs and customs, to the point of being willing to die for the sake of those beliefs.
Now, while it may be said that many have been willing to die for the sake of Islam or other religions out there, nowhere is there belief that Muhammad, Buddha, or any other founder of a religion was the Son of God. They were prophets, nothing more. They were mortals, visionary and incredible though they may have been, and all have died, never to return. Only in Jesus can be found a man who was imbued with the spirit of the Divine to the point where he was able to cheat death, and come back in the resurrection.

We believe that Jesus was sent to us to give us the teachings that show us the way that our Creator wishes us to live, a way of love, peace, and tolerance for those with whom we share this world. While we do not believe that Jesus and the Creator are one and the same being, which is the so-called “Great Mystery” that the fundamental Christian churches hold to, we do believe that Jesus is a great and powerful being, still alive, that will someday return to this world. Thus we say, “We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”

Friday, January 2, 2015


            We believe in an immortal, eternal, immanent God. We believe that this God is a spirit that is beyond our attempts to put a face to, that is as far above us as we are above the most primitive organism living on our planet. We believe that this Creator is a full and complete being, not being split into two separate sexes, as we humans are. Being human, we can only understand this existence as that of two separate, but joined, beings, one the Creator and one the Mother. As the Bible says we are to honor both of our parents, we honor both aspects of this Supreme Being, the male Creator half and the female Mother half. We view this female half as the Earth itself, the properties of which our physical bodies are made. So, we believe in the sacredness of all life upon this Earth, no matter how small or different from ourselves it may be.

            We believe these things because, in our study of the Earth and its organisms, we cannot bring ourselves to believe that the beauty, the diversity, the perfectly balanced ecologies that we find around us could have been brought into being by accident. We believe that, though there may have been an evolution that has taken place since the first Creation, an Intelligence beyond our own must have been present to set up the basis of that capability of evolution. Such symmetry could not have come about by the random colliding of some ancient molecules. We believe that the only way that life could have come about in this universe is by the intervention of a Divine Intellect. An Intellect that includes the strength, purpose, and creativity of both male and female personalities. And so we say, “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and the Spirit of Mother Earth.”