Tuesday, August 22, 2023



This is a 2008 film regarding an illegal pathogen being tested on a space station which falls to earth when the station is destroyed. Engineered to give its victims increased size and aggression, it effects three animals upon landing. One is a wolf, another an alligator, and the third is a gorilla in a zoo that is capable of communicating in sign language. The gorilla's keeper, an ex-Special Forces Marine, together with a geneticist who used to work for the company responsible for the pathogen, team up to find the other animals and destroy them before they kill thousands of people in the heart of a major city.

Starring Dwayne Johnson (formerly known as the Rock), this is a thrilling action fest that never fails to delight with twists and surprises. The special effects are outstanding, featuring motion capture for the gorilla, and CGI for the other monster animals. The cast is superb, including Naomie Harris as the geneticist, and Malin Akerman as the CEO of the pathogen's creators. There is also a guest appearance by Jack Quaid, at a time before his voice was used to great effect in the animated comedy of Star Trek's Lower Decks. There is quite a large amount of violence, in the form of monsters destroying buildings, but very little strong language and no erotic scenes. This is definitely one that will be fun for family night.

Monday, August 14, 2023

BOOK REVIEW: The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge


Maria Merryweather is a young orphan girl who comes to live with her cousin at Moonacre Manor, a beautiful and mysterious old house near a village with the picturesque name of Silverydew. Upon her arrival, Maria notices several things about the house and its occupants that seem almost magical, and also finds herself thrust into the middle of an ancient story of love, loss, and betrayal. Can Maria find a way to mend the lives she finds here, or is she doomed to repeat the history of this incredibly nuanced place that she now calls home?
This is a story that takes place in the 1800s, at a time when the expectations of a woman were very different from what they are now. Maria has been raised by her governess to be a lady, and she adheres to customs and attitudes that seem old-fashioned by today's standards. However, the crux of the story is not in its austerity, but in its premise that love, patience, and understanding can mend even the most broken of hearts. Written in a descriptive, lyrical style, this is a tale that speaks of memory and legend, but it also holds within it a lesson of courage and kindness. A book that will be treasured with many of the great stories of the past.

Monday, August 7, 2023

MOVIE REVIEW: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor


This is the sequel to the original two Mummy films starring Brendon Fraser, that were the reboot of the Mummy series of movies that began in the 1930s with Boris Karloff playing the iconic character of an undead priest searching for his lost love. This one takes place many years after the first two, and is located in China rather than Egypt. Alex O'Connell, now a young man of 21 years, has ditched his schooling to pursue an archeological dig of a Chinese emperor whose reputation is of an evil man looking for immortality. Rick and Evelyn O'Connell, still married but having their romance turned a little lackluster for want of the adventures that brought them together, are commissioned by British Intelligence, for which they did missions during World War II, to bring a priceless relic back to the Chinese people. Add to this a rogue Chinese general who wants to bring the entombed emperor back to life in a bid to lead a world revolution, and Evelyn's brother Jonathan, who now runs a nightclub in Shanghai, and you've got the makings for an adventure that is both thrilling and highly entertaining.

While getting less than stellar reviews when it was in the theaters, this film earned more than enough to make it a box office success. I believe that part of the problem was that the critics did not like the fact that Rachel Weisz did not reprise her role of Evelyn due to contract disputes, so the part when to Maria Bello (Assault on Precinct 13). While a good actress, she does not achieve the chemistry with Brendon Fraser that was so instrumental to the other movies, and thus leaves the character of Evie as kind of a sidekick to the others. That being said, the rest of the cast is phenomenal. As well as Fraser and John Hannah, Jet Li (Fearless) plays the undead emperor, brought back to life to take his revenge on the witch that cursed him. Isabella Leong (Missing) is stunning as the daughter of the now immortal witch. Luke Ford (The Black Balloon) takes on the role of Alex with great success. And there is a surprise appearance by the now Academy Award winning Michelle Yeoh as the witch that curses the emperor to his fate. All in all, this is a movie that is a complete joy ride from start to finish, and that I would highly recommend for family night.