Monday, March 2, 2015


Have you ever been driving on a road during a storm and felt your tire leave the pavement, only to have the car suddenly move back onto the road without you moving the steering wheel at all, as if something or someone had nudged the vehicle back into the appropriate path? Or, have you been walking into a room, only to find that you suddenly cannot move because it feels as if something or someone is holding you motionless, and then have something fall right where you would have been if you had kept walking, and that surely would have hit you if you had taken even one more step? Well, congratulations, you have just felt the influence of your Guardian Angel.
            We of Children of Father God and Mother Earth believe adamantly in these spirits that influence our lives and protect us from harm. We believe that there are different kinds of these spirits, which have been given different names in many cultures over the centuries. The first kind, and probably the most numerous, is what are thought of by many as the Nature Spirits. These have been called Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Dwarves, Sprites, and many other names, but they are basically spirits that care for the natural world. In these times, these spirits are usually relegated to parks and places where the trees and animals that they love are inclined to be. They love running water, music, and bright colors, and it is possible to lure them into visiting a yard if these things are put out for them. They are a mysterious race, and will probably never be fully understood by humans.
            However, the spirits that we are in communication with throughout our lives are those that have, for whatever reason, been put in charge of us humans and our well-being. Every human on Earth has at least one of these spirits attached to them at birth, but, on any given occasion, may have many others following them around as well, depending on the circumstances and situations in their lives. Being spirits, without any physical substance, these beings can be large or small, but they have immense power. This power becomes obvious particularly at times when the individual they care for is in danger. We have all heard the stories of the person who walked away from a car that rolled down a mountainside, or the family that survived the tornado unscathed while sheltering in only a bathtub. People talk of the Angels protecting them, and they are correct. When a person is in danger, and their Angel knows this, they are able to instantaneously enlist help from other spirits to protect their charge. Of course, even though they are powerful, guardians are not omnipotent, and there will be times when no amount of protection will be adequate to save a human from danger. This is something that we must accept.
            Guardians have been called Spirit Guides by many American Indian cultures, due to the fact that, through meditation and practice, the shamans of those cultures have learned to talk to their guardians and enlisted their aid in exploration of the spiritual realms. However, guardians mostly are just content to guide us, protecting and comforting us as needed. Unfortunately, some of them have become depressed and despondent because of the horrible things that some of us humans do, but the majority still try to reach and aid their charges. Given enough time and patience, all of us can learn to hear our Angels speak to us. That is what is meant by the Inner Voice that you hear religions speak of so much. The Still, Small Voice that guides you to do the right thing, to steer away from danger, and to go where you need to be, is none other than your Guardian Angel. And, the more you listen, the better you will hear the promptings.

            We believe that these spirits deserve our gratitude and respect. We honor them as we honor the Earth and its diversity, with full reverence and sincere devotion. So we say, “We believe God sends Angels to Earth to guide and protect His children.”


While there are many books in existence that are claimed to be the inspired word of God, we believe that only the Bible and the Book of Mormon can stand up to the test of this claim. We believe this due to the fact that, unlike others, these documents are supported by additional documentation in history.
            The Old Testament of the Bible is, of course, the original Jewish documents handed down by the people who inhabit Israel. The Jewish people have written many commentaries on the books of the Old Testament, and these commentaries themselves are the documentation needed to prove that the books of the Old Testament have been around since the beginning of the Jewish race. The New Testament is the books and letters written by the people who were the eyewitnesses and followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ actual existence is documented by Roman records, as well as archeological evidence discovered in recent years.
            The Book of Mormon is a text that was discovered and translated by a gentleman named Joseph Smith in 19th century America. His account of how this came to pass may have faced criticism in past years, however the result of his efforts speaks for itself. The Book of Mormon tells the story of how, after the sack of Jerusalem by the Babylonian hoards, a band of Jewish refugees took to the sea and ended up on another continent. Whether this was the continent of South America or Africa is currently under debate, but they found a glorious, fertile land, where they commenced to build a civilization. After His crucifixion, Jesus visited this land, where He spoke with and taught the people there. Before He left them, Jesus promised that He would return sometime in the future. The Book of Mormon is supported by history and American Indian legend, both of which confirm the promise of a Great White Teacher that will return to the people.

            While there are portions of the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament, that was written for the people of its time, and therefore should be interpreted only metaphorically, this does not mean that the text itself was not inspired by the spirit of the Creator. And we believe that this is indeed the case. Therefore we say, “We believe the Bible and the Book of Mormon to be the inspired Word of God.”