Monday, February 2, 2015


With our history of spiritual belief being Christian, it is perhaps not surprising that we say that we believe the man Jesus Christ was the true Son of God. We believe this for many reasons, but, perhaps, the greatest one is that, in our studies, we have found that, unlike the myriad other “messiahs” that have come and gone, Jesus is the only one that has been fully documented, in the Bible and elsewhere. Of any other “saviors” that could be mentioned, Jesus is the only one that can be pointed to as having influenced so many to change their beliefs and customs, to the point of being willing to die for the sake of those beliefs.
Now, while it may be said that many have been willing to die for the sake of Islam or other religions out there, nowhere is there belief that Muhammad, Buddha, or any other founder of a religion was the Son of God. They were prophets, nothing more. They were mortals, visionary and incredible though they may have been, and all have died, never to return. Only in Jesus can be found a man who was imbued with the spirit of the Divine to the point where he was able to cheat death, and come back in the resurrection.

We believe that Jesus was sent to us to give us the teachings that show us the way that our Creator wishes us to live, a way of love, peace, and tolerance for those with whom we share this world. While we do not believe that Jesus and the Creator are one and the same being, which is the so-called “Great Mystery” that the fundamental Christian churches hold to, we do believe that Jesus is a great and powerful being, still alive, that will someday return to this world. Thus we say, “We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”