Friday, January 2, 2015


            We believe in an immortal, eternal, immanent God. We believe that this God is a spirit that is beyond our attempts to put a face to, that is as far above us as we are above the most primitive organism living on our planet. We believe that this Creator is a full and complete being, not being split into two separate sexes, as we humans are. Being human, we can only understand this existence as that of two separate, but joined, beings, one the Creator and one the Mother. As the Bible says we are to honor both of our parents, we honor both aspects of this Supreme Being, the male Creator half and the female Mother half. We view this female half as the Earth itself, the properties of which our physical bodies are made. So, we believe in the sacredness of all life upon this Earth, no matter how small or different from ourselves it may be.

            We believe these things because, in our study of the Earth and its organisms, we cannot bring ourselves to believe that the beauty, the diversity, the perfectly balanced ecologies that we find around us could have been brought into being by accident. We believe that, though there may have been an evolution that has taken place since the first Creation, an Intelligence beyond our own must have been present to set up the basis of that capability of evolution. Such symmetry could not have come about by the random colliding of some ancient molecules. We believe that the only way that life could have come about in this universe is by the intervention of a Divine Intellect. An Intellect that includes the strength, purpose, and creativity of both male and female personalities. And so we say, “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and the Spirit of Mother Earth.”