Wednesday, October 2, 2024

MOVIE REVIEW: He Went That Way


This is a low-key thriller based on the true story of an animal trainer who had a run in with a serial killer while on a cross country drive.

Starring Zachary Quinto (of Star Trek fame) as Jim and Jacob Elordi as Bobby, the story follows the two on their drive across country after Jim picks up Bobby, who is hitchhiking, only to learn that his young passenger is a homicidal maniac that has already murdered two men. Jim is transporting a trained chimpanzee named Spanky and is able to strike up an uneasy truce with Bobby that will allow Jim to stay alive until they part ways in Chicago. Quinto's character runs a gamut of emotions from stunned terror to grudging respect while Elordi maintains the tension of a seething volcano about to erupt at any moment. While not recommended for children due to some violent hostage scenes, this is still worth the watch, and all the more chilling to know that it actually happened.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley


This is a classic horror novel by what was then a young and surprising author. It concerns a scientist who, consumed with the lust for knowledge, delves into questions that are perhaps best left alone. The result is that, through means left undescribed in the book, he achieves the creation of a being resembling a man. Whether or not this thing has a soul is still debatable even in this century, but the result is a phenomenon that is endowed with reason, speech, and all the emotional aspects of a human. Having been abandoned in horror by its creator, it finds its way to the haunts of mankind and, indirectly, manages to learn about the laws of civilization, only to find that its appearance is so terrifying that it is shunned and abhorred. So, it approaches its creator with the proposition that he create again, but this time the product of the creation will be a companion for the monster. When the scientist refuses, the monster goes on a rampage of vengeance that ends up costing the lives of those dearest to the man who made it.
Told mainly in the first person, and changing points of view from the erstwhile scientist to the monster itself, this is written in the romantic style of early 20th century story telling. The author was a young woman (a novelty at that period in history) who was known for her romantic involvement with a poet and nobleman of the time. The novel was originally turned down by several publishers as being too shocking and violent for the reading public but was eventually put into print. It was an instant success, and it has been told and elaborated upon by everything from Hollywood to other authors writing their own versions of different viewpoints of the story. But the best is still the first. This book holds a hypnotic effect that is difficult to pin down, except to say that it is a moral tale about what may happen when man becomes willing to sacrifice anything to attain his own desires.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024



This is a 2012 Austrian film about one woman’s struggle to survive when an inexplicable phenomenon isolates her from the rest of the world. It stars Martina Gedeck as the woman and follows the events of her efforts to first find a way out of her predicament, and then her acceptance of it and the fight to provide herself and several animals with the means to live. This is narrated in English with very little actual dialogue, which is in German and supplied with subtitles when it does occur. It has exceptional cinematography and Gedeck supplies a stunning performance. There is no strong language and no erotica, with only one truly violent scene. There are instances of hunting and butchery, but both are only shown as ways of obtaining food. A story of stamina and determination in the face of hopelessness and despair, this one will stay with you long after it is over.

Monday, August 26, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: Dragon Tears by Dean Koontz


*This review contains spoilers*

During a typical day on the police force, Harry and Connie, partner detectives, are forced to kill a man who shoots up the diner where they are having lunch. Shortly after, they find themselves in some inexplicable circumstances when a man who can change shape, throw fireballs, and freeze time targets them for death. With no one to depend on but each other, they must find this maniac who uses his psychic powers to destroy.

Koontz has a way of weaving several different points of view, including that of a dog’s, to keep this story moving quite effectively. However, putting a face on evil is another of Koontz’s gifts, and he does a remarkable job in this. I found myself feeling a bit sorry for this villain. Is he a monster? Yes. Is there any other way to stop him than to kill him? No. But this antagonist also turns out to be a 20-year-old young man who was born to a woman who first abused her child invitro by trying all kinds of alternative measures to abort him, and then subjected herself to self-mutilation rather than being faced with the responsibility of raising him. He ends up living with his grandmother, an older woman who might have had some mental issues of her own and growing up in an atmosphere where the only way he could gain attention was to use his unique powers to cause pain. Given that he never had the chance to learn that fear and love are not the same thing, I found this to be a rather tragic bad guy. A good, if somewhat predictable, story is the result. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



After their parents go missing two brothers find out that their dull, archeologist mom and dad are really warrior scientists, who travel the world searching for mythological artifacts that have to be protected to keep their supernatural powers from falling into the hands of people who would use them for evil. Together with the oldest brother’s ex-girlfriend they set out to find the next one before a man set on world domination can.

This is a made-for-TV movie that stars mostly actors from the small screen, who are all excellent in their parts. Due to its family-oriented origins, there are no erotic scenes and no strong language. There is quite a bit of action violence, but no gore. The script, cinematography, and editing are all first rate, as is the storyline. This is a really good film that seems to set the stage for a sequel, or even a series, and is perfect for family viewing. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: The Oceanography of the Moon by Glendy Vanderah


Vaughn Orr is a successful author with a dark secret. Riley Mays is a college student with an equally turbulent past. When the two meet, they are instantly drawn to each other. But can they find a way to get past their emotional scars and trust the magic of love?

I have been a fan of this author since I read her debut novel, and she definitely does not disappoint in this one. A story of two people who have been drawn together by both their histories and the darkness they unknowingly share, this is a book full of twists, turns, and unexpected consequences of previous choices. But it is also about the power of love, and its ability to look past flaws and mistakes to the heart. A beautiful story and a powerful read, this is one that any romance fan will instantly call one of their favorites.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

MOVIE REVIEW: 4 Horsemen: Apocalypse


A small team of scientists and their military protectors race against time to stop the eruption of the largest volcano that has ever been discovered. If they fail, it will mean the end of life on Earth. Working against them are strange weather phenomena caused by gases venting into the atmosphere, swarms of locusts driven wild by the same gases, and a new type of fungus that releases spores that drive the victims they infect into murderous frenzies.

The title of this is a little misleading. It could really have been named anything and still been a decent movie. The only appearance that the supernatural horsemen of biblical reference make are during the hallucinations of an infected soldier. The rest is the typical disaster film, a little choppy in the editing department and using voice overs to fill in what was obviously scenes that the independent studio did not have the budget to shoot. The cast consists of actors that have made their careers mainly on the small screen, and this is no exception seeing as how it was sent straight to video upon release. The only thing of note in this is the gender of some of the main characters. The general in charge of the military operation, as well as two of the three scientists, are all women, which is unusual in most movies of this sort but also highly refreshing. There is no eroticism, very little strong language, and, surprisingly, hardly any gore. Good for preteens and up.